African Development Bank – IDEV Annual Report 2019

IDEV is an independent function tasked with enhancing the development effectiveness of the Bank in its Regional Member Countries. By conducting independent evaluations and proactively sharing best practice, IDEV ensures that the African Development Bank and its stakeholders learn from past experience and plan and deliver development activities to the highest possible standards.

IDEV carries out independent evaluations of Bank operations, policies and strategies, working across projects, sectors, themes, regions, and countries. In addition, IDEV validates the self-evaluation of projects conducted by operations departments.


The brief

Design the IDEV annual report using digital painting style.

For 2019 issue of IDEV’s Annual Report, we were requested by the team to preserve the continuation of the 2018 Annual Report style, which used watercolor. We opted for a square format and used acrylic digital painting to prepare various coloured backgrounds which were used to add a natural touch to the modern layout. We also made the video presentation, based on footage provided by IDEV, summarizing the key accomplishments in a visually appealing fashion.

To learn more about the report the report on IDEV’s website, click here.
To view the animation, click here.